Connecting with your Audience

Digital marketing effectiveness is taking a backseat even in the digital era. Direct mail can be one of the most effective ways you can connect with your customers. With direct mail you are able to focus on creating a personal, trustworthy, and tangible products that your customers will thank you for. Here at Creative Composition, we focus on providing the best designs to help you build on new customer acquisition and retention.

70% of consumers feel more valued with direct mail.

It’s clear that advertising channels like direct mail can pay off in the way digital just can’t.

Direct Mail is Still Relevant!

Most people are under the assumption that digital marketing is the key focus to obtaining digital natives. These natives are constantly glued to their smartphones and marketers focus on providing ad content through social media.

Digital Marketing

77% of millennials pay attention to direct mail advertising.

90% millennials think direct mail advertising is reliable.

87% of millennials like receiving direct mail.*

While digital marketing might be good option for brand awareness and repeat marketing, direct mail comes with a long standing impact that driving new customers and returning business. This highlights on the idea that personalized mail has a higher impact with customers. Where digital marketing is constantly bypassed due to the massive amount of emails sent out daily.

Marketing Creativity

Direct Mail is Transcending

Listen to the customer and respond accordingly. It not only helps you stand out from other businesses who constantly bombard consumers with digital promotion. But help create the communication they deem relevant to their needs.

Here at Creative, we guarantee to tailor our designs to best fit your needs. As we look to the future it’s clear direct mail marketing will continue to thrive. To find out more information about direct mail please give us a call at (530) 924-2400 or email 



Chelsea Perez


Still Relevant: A look at how millennials respond to direct mail